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Very interesting article; especially in challenging times and in periods of extreme stress I have noticed a lot of people…
On The Leadership Trinity: Values, Progress and Exceptions.
[…] HRM is a process,not a function. […]
On HRM is a process, not a function
While in a group interview for a position as a Head Resident for my college dorm as a student decades…
On The one Thing you need to know about Leadership
Don't forget regular chair massage in the workplace. This plays an important role towards making employees feel appreciated and happy,…
On Family and work: 4 ways to improve family life at work
My fourth father, Paul de Sauvigny de Blot SJ (in short Paul de Blot) was during years, like Victor Frankl,…
On Purpose lies outside yourself
Your version of the Purpose Game (inspired by John Withmore) is not that far from the version I have learned…
On Purpose lies outside yourself
"Letting go of as much as possible and holding on to what you need to hold on to is the…
On The one Thing you need to know about Leadership
[…] Happiness and Love: why Employers should not touch them. […]
On Happiness and love. Why employers should not touch them!
Bekijk eens volgende aflevering uit Discovery Chanels "Futurescape" : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1gttjv_futurescape-with-james-woods-i-know-what-you-re-thinking_shortfilms
On Thought Control (2014)
Nice article David thanks for sharing!
On The Leadership Trinity: Values, Progress and Exceptions.